Today was a nightmare. As Zorro’s lawyer, I had to explain to three different very angry Chihuahuas that their prenups were invalid. They were yapping and waving papers in my face. They also yapped at each other.
The Chihuahuas had Zorro’s paw print on a paper that gave them the right to Zorros kennel and half food supplies in case of a divorce. Zorro has been married to Loba for a long time and he cannot possibly legally remarry. Well, Loba lives in the kennel and she has no intention of moving out or sharing any food bowls with Chihuahuas.
Zorro says he can’t read and just put his paw print on the paper to be nice. Or that the paw print is fake. He says he is innocent, that he is a victim of a great scam.
Loba is not letting him in the kennel.