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It’s true, honestly Jon Snow you can not stop your beloved pets from fleas and lice simply by wrapping them up in cotton wool… coats that is. Oh brave, handsome, silly Jon Snow.
Luckily for Jon and the rest of us, leading treatment Advantage is readily available. It can be used on dogs, 7 weeks or older, and cats 8 weeks or older, as well as rabbits and ferrets. It is also safe for pregnant and lactating animals. Make sure you talk to your vet if your pet is on medication, if other pesticides are already being used, or if your pet is underweight, elderly or debilitated.
Advantage works as a paralytic to rapidly kill adult fleas and larvae (not the eggs) and therefore breaks the lifecycle of our pets’ most hated foes.
Once applied, the nervous system of fleas and lice is attacked. They are paralysed and die only minutes from coming into contact with Advantage – they don’t even have to bite your pet to be affected. Fleas will stop biting within five minutes of the application, and will be dead within 20 minutes of contact. Advantage kills 98-100% of existing fleas within 12 hours of application and will destroy 99% of flea larvae in the pet’s surroundings.
Advantage is easy to use and remains effective for a month. It is even waterproof so will still work after bathing, swimming, extensive puddle or mud rolling (you know who you are!) or for those wet weather loving, storm chasing pets.
It is applied through the coat to the dog or cat’s skin and spreads throughout the skin’s oily layer. There are a range of dosages available that depend upon the weight of your pet. Ensure you purchase the correct dosage for your pet and that all directions are followed accurately. Weigh your pet or ask your vet to weigh them – don’t simply guess and apply the dosage you think is correct.
Advantage is an external treatment and must not get into the pet’s eyes or mouth. For small and medium dogs, it is placed out of licking reach on the back between the shoulder blades, and for a cat at the base of the skull. For large dogs over 25kg, the dosage is divided between the shoulder blades, on the back between the hips and at another point in the middle.
As with any medical treatment, there may be a small portion of animals with individual sensitivities. Always monitor your pet immediately after application and for a few days after. If there are signs of any adverse reaction or if your pet’s health worsens, consult a vet immediately.
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Hair loss and skin irritations
Minor skin irritation is common at the site of application, especially if it is your pet’s first ever treatment. Stiffening or the damp appearance of hair, itchiness, redness or pinkish skin may occur but these are temporary side effects. Occasionally hair loss also occurs. This is usually a one-off and hair will grow back within 1-2 weeks. If the hair loss spreads or doesn’t grow back then consult your vet.
Animals with sensitive skin may develop sores that can bleed if scratched, split or open and then become infected. Check the application site regularly and if these symptoms occur visit your vet.
Medicinal odour
A low incidence of owners have noticed that their pet has a medicinal-type odour after treatment. This is not dangerous or harmful and will only last a few days to a week after application.
Contact with eyes
If your pet manages to get the treatment in their eyes, flush their eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with your vet.
Rare and serious side effects
Serious side effects are rare, usually only occurring in animals with individual sensitivities or allergies to the product’s active ingredients or are a result of accidental ingestion or a mistake in the use of the product.The signs should be noticeable quickly and in all circumstances, immediate veterinary attention is needed if you notice any of the following:
- Loss of apetite, increase in thirst, vomiting, diarrhoea or drooling – Remember to apply Advantage as directed, out of reach of your pet’s mouth. The product has a bitter taste that should discourage licking and ingestion. If enough is ingested, it can cause stomach upsets and loss of appetite. Vomiting, diarrhoea, excess salivation, drooling and an increase in thirst indicate excessive ingestion or an adverse reaction.
- Pupil dilation, eye irritation or increased tear production
- Breathing difficulties, ataxia (movement problems), stumbling, trembling or seizures
- Abnormal sleeping, lethargy or non-responsiveness
- Odd behaviour, depression or hyperactivity
As mentioned, severe reactions are considered to be very rare with Advantage when it is applied as per instructions. As an extra precaution, it is best to observe and separate treated animals for 30-60 minutes to ensure that they do not lick their own application site or that of other animals. Otherwise, Advantage is an extremely easy and effective treatment to make sure your beloved pet doesn’t become high-rise living for fleas and lice.