Michelle & The Paw Pack
For the past two years, I took part in Puppy in Training’s Pet Blogger’s Journey. It was a series of questions to answer each year, about your blog in general, goals, and accomplishments over the past year. I was looking forward to joining the 2024 Pet Blogger’s Journey but it looks like Puppy in Training isn’t hosting it this year. I was originally going to post anyway and just reuse the same questions from the past two years, but that feels a little stale. Instead, to celebrate the start of a new year, I figured I’d just post a bit of an update and look back at the Paw Print Pet Pack’s 2023.
Pet Bloggers Journey 2023
Pet Bloggers Journey 2022
The Blog’s Best Year Yet!
As far as numbers go, 2023 was the blog’s best year yet! We got exponentially more views, and more top search spot posts than ever before. I have no doubt that it was due, at least in part, to how hard I worked on updating content on the site throughout 2022 and the early parts of 2023.
With that being said, I didn’t post as often in 2023 as I have in previous years. After over 13 (I think, I lost count!) years of blogging about dogs, as you can probably imagine, it started getting a bit harder for me to think of new topics that I had not already covered before! I think I burnt myself out a bit blogging as much as I did throughout 2022. That, and the fact that I’ve had to deal with some stressful life stuff, made it harder for me to find the motivation to blog as much as I would have liked too.
2024 Blogging Schedule?
As of right now, my plan for 2024 is to stick to my once a week blogging schedule. But I’m not going to worry too much about giving myself some grace if/when I need to take a break. So look for new blog posts here every Thursday! But don’t get too worried if I skip a week every now and again. Hey, you can always check out our social media pages (links at the top of the page) if you want to keep up with the Paw Pack in real time! I post most regularly over on our Facebook page.
Goals for 2024?
Besides hopefully keeping up with blogging at least somewhat regularly, do I have any blog goals for 2024? To be honest, I have a few projects besides this blog that I’m planning on working hard on throughout the next year. As far as this site goes, besides just keeping up with blogging, I’m looking forward to continuing the growth of our social pages, and getting to talk to more of you! It might be overly ambitious, but I decided that I want to try to post new Kitsune content daily! Most of the time that’s going to consist of new Instagram photos of him. But it will mean lots of new Youtube videos too!
I’m doing this partly for myself, because I realized lately that Kit is getting old, and I don’t want future me to regret not taking enough photos/videos of him at this life stage. And partly because I really want to document and show what day to day life with a senior dog is like – the good and the bad. I feel like too often people on the internet feel like they have to present the perfect life. But dogs, and our lives with them, are not perfect. That’s probably especially true with senior dogs and I know that, in the past, I’ve held off on posting photos of Kit for stupid reasons, like his eyes looking overly cloudy in certain lighting. But I want to try to show more of what life with a little old man dog is really like – attitude, messy hair, cloudy eyes and all.
Quick Update on the Dogs
Kit turned 15 on December 26th. I haven’t posted very much about his birthday yet. Mostly because, unfortunately, Kit (and in extension me!) has been having a bit of a rough time the last couple of weeks. Kit’s been sick, and it took longer than I would have liked to really pinpoint what was going on. I think, fingers crossed, that we’re finally on the right path to getting him back into fighting form. He’s had a few really good days in a row this week and seems to finally be feeling a lot better. The last couple of weeks have been kind of sad, and stressful, and expensive! I feel like it really put a damper on the holidays and celebrating Kit’s birthday this year, to be honest, although we tried to make the best of things. But Kit is ok! He’s currently snuggled up taking a nap on the bean bag in my office as I type this. I’ll post more about the health issues he’s been dealing with in a future post.
Fenrir is doing so well that I almost feel like I don’t have anything to update about for him. He’s just been his normal, hyper, playful, ornery, silly self. Having him to keep me on my toes while Kit wasn’t feeling well has been good for my heart. Some days just throwing a ball around with Fen out in the yard, or taking him out for a romp around the woods, was just what I needed to destress. Oh, in case you’re wondering, since Kit is hogging the bean bag Fen is currently curled up with his head on my foot, underneath my desk. He lays there a lot while I’m working on my computer. My adorable little shadow.
Happy 2024!
Kit, Fen, and I hope that everyone has a fun, happy, healthy 2024! Comment below. How did you celebrate new year’s eve? What are some of your hopes, wishes, and goals for the upcoming year? Thanks, as always, to everyone who stops to visit our little corner of the internet. We hope you continue to visit, when you can, in 2024!