The first lesson, is that anytime you can cook and eat a meal at home for yourself, you add an extra year to your lifespan. The second lesson is that anything you can do to expand your own life, you should do twice as often for your pets.
These are the thoughts behind today’s post, in which I want to share with you my dog Bear‘s favorite recipe for Peanut Butter Puppy Chow.
I was experimenting in the kitchen one day when Bear was still just a few months old, when I mixed together a couple of recipes for puppy chow and homemade dog treats. I honestly hadn’t expected it to turn out well back then, as I was still pretty new to the world of pet-cookery.
Still it must’ve had been wonderful, because Bear still inhales the homemade kibble anytime I make it for him. He’s definitely not a puppy anymore, but it never hurts to give him an extra boost of protein and home cooked love whenever I have the time.
For This Recipe, You Will Need:
4 Cups of Unprocessed Wheat Flour
2 Cups of Powdered Organic Milk
2 Cups of Organic Peanut Butter
1 Pound of Organic Ground Beef
1 Cup of Organic Sweet Peas
1 Cup of Lard or Shortening
2 Cups of Rolled Oats
The Recipe itself, is pretty straight forward:
Step 1. Mix all of your ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. It’s best if you start with the liquid ingredients first, and then work in the solid ingredients.
*Optionally* You can cook the peas and beef, or you can add them raw
Step 2. Once you have your ingredients thoroughly mixed into a big goopy mess in the bowl, you need to set your oven heat to 200*F, pour a thin layer of the mix onto a shallow baking pan and then place it in the oven for about 45 minutes.
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