Guest Blog: Puppy-proofing tips that actually work!

Guest Blog: Puppy-proofing tips that actually work! (Paws For Reaction)

Preparing for a puppy: How to puppy-proof your home and yard

Guest blog by Adeline Ee. So excited to welcome
her to the Paws For Reaction extended family!

Are you preparing for the arrival of your new puppy? If so, congratulations! We are excited for you and hope you have many happy years with your new family member. 
If you’ve owned dogs before, you know they love getting into trouble. Every dog parent knows the feeling of returning home to discover a mess.

Whether your puppy loves raiding the garbage can or chewing up your expensive shoes and purses, one thing’s for sure- you’ll need to dog-proof your home. Dog proofing your home not only keeps your belongings safe but your puppy as well. Dogs can get into all kinds of trouble eating what they aren’t supposed to and falling sick. By making a few small tweaks around the home, you can help ensure that your dog (and your belongings!) stay safe. 


Puppy Proofing Your Home

How do I get started puppy-proofing?

First, and this is gonna sound a tad weird; you’ll need to get on your hands and knees and crawl around the house. This allows you to get a puppy’s eye view of what your new pooch can access and reach. 


Look out for electrical cords, outlets, plugs, and electronics that are within easy reach. A puppy’s sharp teeth can go through the plastic protective layer often covering wiring in a heartbeat. Now you’ve got a pretty enthusiastic chewer that has access to exposed wires! 

If you can’t completely elevate everything off the floor and safely out of reach, think about installing puppy or baby gates to block off access to certain areas, say, a study. Nothing’s worse than coming home and finding your home office completely wrecked and your documents destroyed. Somehow, “my dog ate the contract” doesn’t quite hold up to some!

Puppy-proofing tips that actually work!

Puppy-Proofing the danger zone: The kitchen

The kitchen is a minefield of toxic chemicals that your dog might ingest. This is how to puppy-proof your kitchen to help avoid dangerous toxin ingestions that can lead to expensive veterinary bills and permanent damage to your dog’s organs. To dog-proof the kitchen you should: 

Preparing for a puppy: How to puppy-proof your home and yard

Our Paws For Reaction expert tip: Puppy-proof your wallet by getting pet insurance for your new dog. Pet insurance can help you manage the cost of emergency veterinary bills and alleviate the stress of choosing whether or not to invest in important diagnostics and treatment of your puppy because of the financial burden it will create. Pet insurance companies like Trupanion can help you pick the perfect pet insurance policy for your puppy!

How to puppy-proof the bedrooms and living room

How to puppy-proof the bedrooms and living room

Puppies love to explore! Your puppy will feel comfortable in spaces that smell like you, and what space smells like you more that the place you sleep and live in? To dog-proof the living room and bedrooms you should: 

Protecting your puppy in the yard or on the balcony

Protecting your puppy in the yard or on the balcony

If your dog spends some time in the backyard or balcony, make sure that their hangout area is completely dog-proof. To puppy-proof your outdoor living space you should:

Protecting your puppy in the yard or on the balcony

Symptoms of food toxicity in dogs

Symptoms of food toxicity in dogs

Despite all your efforts, accidents happen. There are a few different symptoms of food toxicity in dogs. The most common is dry-heaving and vomiting, which can be accompanied by diarrhea. Other symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. 

If your dog displays any of these symptoms, it’s important to contact your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic and arrange to bring your puppy in right away. Many toxin ingestions can be properly treated and your dog can make a full recovery, but if left unchecked, symptoms can escalate into more severe illnesses. It is recommended to bring your dog in no later than two hours after the toxin was ingested (if you are aware of the exact time) to help preserve the health of your dog’s internal organs. 

Guest Blog: Puppy-proofing tips that actually work! Dogs pets Saint Bernese puppy

Paws For Reaction expert tip: If possible, always bring the packaging to the vet. Your puppy’s doctor will greatly appreciate an ingredients list, or even a product or brand name. If human medication is ingested ensure you know the name of the medication and its strength. If your dog ingests an illicit drug, alcohol or an illegal narcotic, BE HONEST with your veterinarian. The vet’s primary objective is to treat your pet and if you don’t disclose what your dog ingested you are potentially gambling with your puppy’s life.

Protecting your puppy in the yard or on the balcony

Final thoughts about puppy-proofing

Raising a puppy is extremely rewarding. With these tips, we hope that we’ve helped keep your puppy (AND your belongings!) safe. Don’t worry, the chewing should pass in the majority of dogs! Good luck, and all the best to you and your pup! 

Paws For Reaction Guest Blogger Adeline Ee Bio

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