Are you a first-time dog owner? Here is what you need to know
So, you have finally brought home a dog. Congratulations, you have entered the realm of awesomeness. But as a first-time dog owner, it can be an overwhelming experience because you don’t know a thing about dogs or how to take care of them. It can be scary for both you and the dog.
Well, it is natural to feel a little anxious. You may get upset that your dog is showing signs of fear and is always hiding. Let give him some time to acclimate to your house and surroundings, and while you are at it, go through this informative guide that is specially designed for first-time dog owners.
In this ultimate guide, we have discussed some tips and tricks for new dog owners to make the experience a little less overwhelming.
#1 Learn about the dog breed
The first thing you should do before you bring home the dog is learning about its breed. There are numerous dog breeds out there, and each breed is special in its own way. Dogs cannot be easy. They must be trained; else, you will be dealing with a spoiled brat. In order to raise the dog or pup the right way, it is important that you gather all the information you can find about your fido.
From what foods they prefer to what are their training needs, are they good with children and other dogs, how much exercise will they need, and more, you will have to research a lot. This is vital because it will allow you to meet your dog’s basic needs as well as allow you to ensure this particular dog is first for your house. You can always search the internet or ask other dog owners about their experience of owning a pup.
#2 Find a reliable vet
Every pup needs a great veterinarian. Before you bring home the pup, make sure you visit the vet first and get your dog inspected and get him all the necessary vaccinations. The vet will help you a lot in getting information about the dog, check its health, and educate you about how to be a good dog dad or dog mom.
In short, the vet will guide you through the world of dog ownership. He/she will recommend the best dog foods, best bathing products, best toys, and when to get the next vaccinations, among other things. Also, it is always handy to keep your vet’s number always with yourself because you never know when your dog might act strangely.
#3 Stock up on necessary dog supplies
Now, depending on the dog size and breed you have, you have to make a list of things that you should bring in. Your dog is going to need all kinds of stuff from toothpaste to toothbrush, winter clothes, a doggy bed, crate, dog pool, food and water bowls, leash, collar, medications (if prescribed), bathing essentials, and more. It is just like you are having a baby. Always go with the quality product.
If you find that things are expensive, you can try online. There are some great online stores that sell pet supplies at reasonable prices. Or you can also consider bringing home supplies in installments, like bringing home the essentials first and slowly adding to the supplies as per your convenience.
#4 Start with training and exercise
Every fast dog breed needs training and the best time to give training is when it is still a pup. Pups are easy to discipline, and they catch up commands quickly. Training gives the dog a sense of structure and helps you control your dog in any situation. Untrained dogs tend to cause a lot of chaos inside the house. For example, if you bring home a Great Dane, they have the tendency to hop on humans with their front legs.
Now, imagine if you have a child at home. A Great Dane hopping on your child is a serious injury risk. While they do it to show their love, this behavior must be contained with proper training. Similar to this, your dog will need to learn to react to particular commands. Training pups is easy, and with some YouTube videos and delicious treats, you can do that. Nevertheless, you can also hire a professional dog trainer
#5 Spend quality time together
Do you know dogs can suffer from separation anxiety? Yes, it is a lot common in dogs. So, you have to schedule your time in a way that you don’t spend too much time with your dog, nor you leave your dog alone for prolonged periods. Always staying with your dog will make him grow attached to yourself even more. So, if you are not there for even a minute, this can make your dog anxious.
If you live alone or everyone in your house goes to work, make sure that you have another pet like a dog or cat as a companion. Or you can invest in some quality toys and a good crate. A crate can be of great help if your dog has separation anxiety. Whenever your dog feels anxious, he can get inside the crate. A confined space can relax your dog. Talk to your vet about the possibilities of your dog having separation anxiety.
Final Words
These are the most prominent factors that you need to keep in mind if you are a new dog owner. The rest, you will learn with time and experience. Bringing home a dog is a big responsibility. So, everyone in the house has to play their part in taking care of the dog.