BBS – How to Select a Contractor – Angel Dog Diary

BBS – How to Select a Contractor – Angel Dog Diary


“You select contractors on one criterion: the lowest price,” said Hubris.

“But should you not do some quality checks,” asked a well-groomed Saluki. “I think one should pay for quality, I for example pay for quality grooming.”

“No,” answered Hubris, “in business, you set out the demands in the bid document and then give the contract to the lowest bidder. If they say they can move a mountain, close your eyes and ears and let them have the job. If they break a few laws, it is their problem! If the contractor whines and wants more time or money, tell them there are others who want the job. This is how you can cut cost and not take responsibility for damages, and if the job is substandard, blame the contractor! It probably will not be noticed for a while anyway, and you are already promoted!”

Zorro was concerned but did not want to object because Hubris mocks everyone that has a question.

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