Trina When I think of my pets, current and past, I smile over the places I have uniquely kissed each of them. I still feel against my lips the fur of those that have left this life. I can still see and feel their responses to my loving pecks placed upon them. Beside my bed, […]
Trina A lot of owners started caring for their canines when their pets were just pups. For years, they see their dogs grow and develop personalities. Thus, it’s heart-wrenching for dog lovers to see their pets become handicapped or begin the journey into their twilight dog years riddled with age-related illnesses. But this is an […]
Trina One afternoon, several years ago my cat Captain Jack Sparrow was with me in my backyard. He strolled up to a glazed flower pot saucer filled with water and started drinking. The saucer was perched up on a concrete stepping stone at the corner of my patio. Birds took baths in the water, squirrels […]
Trina Visitors to my kitchen are greeted by a small litter box close to the stove, snug against a cupboard and partially seated on an area rug. The low-sided $18 litter box was confiscated by my cat, Forest the moment I unpacked it from a cardboard shipping box. Forest was like a magnet to a […]
Trina Parenting a pet is not as simple as many may think; it involves both love and commitment. Ever wonder what makes a great pet parent? Here’s the answer. As we see around, we find many people who wish to keep an animal in their home as a pet, and there are dozens of different […]
Trina If there’s one similarity between exercise and pet ownership, it’s that they can lead to people living a longer, healthier life. A lot of publications highlight the benefits of regular exercise and pet ownership. Brisk walking for a total of 75 minutes per week, if done consistently, leads to a gain of almost 2 […]
Trina Ricky Gervais is known for his comedy and his brutal honesty, so when he spontaneously recommended Little Hearts, a cat treat product made by Vet’s Kitchen, the brand were thrilled. Although Ricky’s colourful attempts to create a new tagline may split opinion, the pet food brand agreed with him that “people would rather have […]
Trina The kids have been nagging and driving you crazy. “Mommmmm, Pleeeeeze can we get a dog? Pleeeeeze?” As any parent knows, nagging works, so you have been researching different options and breeds, and you have decided on a Mini Australian Shepherd. But you only have a small yard. How big do Mini Australian Shepherds […]
Trina Adopting a dog with disabilities is never an easy choice. The first step all the dog owners do in such a case is to go to their veterinarian. And they are right. Together you can develop an ongoing treatment plan, choose the correct veterinary care or medications to make your dog feel good. However, […]
Trina Are you feeling lonely during the lockdown? If yes, why don’t you get yourself a pet? During the lockdown, many people have bought themselves a new puppy like a pug or a Presa Canario puppy as a companion for their indoor confinement. With a puppy, it also comes to some responsibilities that you can […]