Patricia Dickson Cats have been curious creatures for as long as they’ve been domesticated. Cat lovers everywhere have often wondered about their strange behavior. Some cats are aloof and come out only to use the litter box and eat, while others climb up in their pet parent’s laps and sleep the day away. For most […]
Patricia Dickson It’s finally the weekend, and you noticed that your cats need some new beds. In a moment of genius, you’ve decided it’s time to break out your DIY skills, to learn how to make a cat bunk bed. Space is tight in your tiny apartment, and a bunk bed is an ideal solution […]
Patricia Dickson As pet parents, we already know that cats are pretty clean creatures. They are constantly cleaning and grooming themselves. Because of this, many cat owners don’t realize that their feline companions need to be bathed on occasion. It’s recommended that you bathe your cat once every 6 weeks, but that depends on a […]