Misty Layne The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Dogs lick themselves; it’s just a fact of life. But why do they lick themselves so much? After all, it’s a bit of a gross habit! There are actually a few normal reasons dogs lick themselves, which […]
Misty Layne The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » There’s no doubt the Dachshund is unique among canines. From their independent personalities to their short legs and long bodies, this is one truly distinctive dog breed. And though they’re known for their personalities, these dogs are […]
Misty Layne You’ve finally gotten your new Cockapoo, so what will you do next? Train them, of course! Training is one of the most vital things you can do with any dog breed, and the Cockapoo is no different. But are Cockapoos easy to train? Absolutely! This breed is highly intelligent due to its Poodle […]
Misty Layne Designer dog breeds have grown in number and variety since their start in the 1950s, with two popular ones being the Cockapoo and the Maltipoo. Both dogs have Poodle parents, but the most significant difference lies in their other parents—the Cocker Spaniel and the Maltese. Because they have some similar parentage, these two […]
Misty Layne The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Our pups can do some pretty cute (and kind of weird) things when they’re asleep. Whether it’s twitching paws while they dream about chasing critters or hilarious sleep positions, dogs can be awfully funny while resting. Sometimes, […]
Misty Layne If you’re planning a beach vacation, you could leave your dog behind with a sitter or at a boarding facility—or you could pack up your pup and bring it along! However, you’ll have to be sure any beach you’re planning on visiting is dog-friendly if you decide to go that route. Luckily, if […]